Meet the Maker: Jess

Meet the Maker: Jess

From Slipway to CFA

I headed up to Gippsland to explore the world of boat repair and life on the Great Lakes of Victoria, with Jess, a gentle, hardworking and tough woman who is a key part of her community and family business: building and repairing boats from all over the area. It was awesome to spend a morning in one of the most interesting work sites I’ve ever visited.
The Slipway
Hidden in the back roads of East Gippsland is the areas only private Slipway - a boat hospital if you will, with a gentle slope down into the bay for launching and retrieving vessels in need of repair, remodeling, or a tune up. As you drive down the hill into the property, you are met with glorious sea views, pelicans at wing, cow spotted paddocks and golden light pouring into the secluded valley. As you get down into the gates of the Slipway you see ship skeletons and frayed wooden boats, some grand and epic as well as cute & tiny - all full of character, dozens of them, tucked up in sheds seemingly at rest.
Scenes from the slipway
NO SMOKING - Jess in the paint, sealant & solvent shed
Meeting Jess
As we exit the SÜK van, we are met with howls and barks of at least two dogs coming in at top speed to greet us. And then arrives Jess in a 4WD, waterproof snow boots, locally made earrings and a pair of perfectly-fitted canvas SÜK pants.
Jess is a third generation Slipway worker. Having grown up, lived, worked and now raising the next generation of life in this beautiful place. We spent a sunny winter morning poking around one of the most unique and fascinating worksites ever. Here we discuss her work and life on the Slipway.
Tell us about your work
We're a small slipway, with the majority of our work focusing on lake boat repairs and jetty construction. You'll mainly find me in the office, but ill jump on any opportunity to get out on the lakes. It’s such a privilege to spend my days here.
Tell me about how SÜK suits your life/work
My cousin introduced me to SÜK years ago, and I instantly fell in love. As a tall, plus sized woman, it can be really hard to find clothes that are both functional and make you feel epic... and SÜK easily ticks both of those boxes. I'm still wearing some pieces I bought 4 years ago, but I'm also a sucker for new designs. It seems like such a small thing - having clothes that fit well, wear well and look amazing - but those things really do make a difference. Whether I'm in the office, on the tools, chainsawing, gardening or our for dinner... chances are, I'll be in SÜK.
Tell us about life at the slipway
The Slip has always been a second home to me, from being a kid bashing bits of wood together and seeing if they will float, to swimming off the beach, to the many boat deliveries, rescues and salvages. Being able to come to work in such an incredible place, and spend time with my grandfather, father and various extended family - and dogs, can't forget the dogs, I think they have the best life of all - I know how lucky I am. Recent family loss has made that all the more bittersweet. The fact that my child, now 7, gets to experience so many of the same opportunities that made my childhood so special swells my heart.
What is it life working in a family business?
I love working with my family. I know that it's not for everyone, but for me it's epic. It gives me more flexibility, and more time with loved ones, than any other career that I can think of. I've had many school mates work here over the years, and that's always been good fun too.
What do you love about where you live? What makes it special?
I adore my home and my community. The Gippsland lakes are such a unique place and the freedom to explore them was integral to the development of my autonomy and identity. My dad always modelled community building to me - during my childhood he was the captain of the local CFA, and heavily involved at the local primary school whilst I was a student. The land the school was built on was donated by my grandfather many years ago, and again, my son being the third generation to go through the ranks is something I'm really grateful for. The erosion of community ties over recent decades is something that weighs heavily on my heart, and community volunteering is really important to me.
How do you stay connected with your community?
Like dad, I’m a firefighter with the CFA and I currently have an elected role at School Council and the local Landcare group. I want to model the importance of community the way that it was modelled to me.
I want future generations to have the same opportunities in this incredible place that I did. To explore and swim and sail and play. There's nothing like it.
Boat skeletons & magical history everywhere you look
Jess pulls into the jetty


  • Makedonka janssen on

    It was through Jess and her family that I found SUK work wear. Such incredible clothing for any workplace or just to wear.
    I have the privilege of knowing Jess and her small family, we are good mates. She is a gem!
    Loved the article, makes me want to come up and visit💛.

  • Rhonda on

    Great photos of you in action Jess and great article.

  • Sue Roberts on

    Awesome photos of SUK wear in a very unique workplace. The article was a great read. Well done all of you.

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